Sunday, February 28, 2010

Beach February. whoa...

My sister, Whitney, baby Grant, Ems, and I went to the beach on February 17. That's right - the middle of February. One can only do that in California, really. So we took full advantage. I documented our trip very carefully in the form of 75 pictures. However, I will only post a few. :) We went to the same beach of which my "blog picture" (see above) shows: Santa Monica Pier.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm back - for good.

ummm.....what happened to me? Nothing really. I just forgot to post, but I have a running list of things that I need to post. I've already broken my promise about posting every day, so I have to make up for it now. This might be a long one today....sorry.

#1) Emma is only 2.5 feet she can take advantage. haha
So we were in Marshall's last week and I was paying at the register. Emma doesn't really like to sit in the carts, so basically I have to hold her the whole time in the store (I know - great times) or just not go. Sometimes I just have to go though. haha. (Usually it's for her benefit, too) Since she decided to be "loud" as I was paying, I got her out and set her down on the floor and told her to stay next to me. The next minute, I look down and Emma has managed to grab a bag of gummy bears and open them....I know, fabulous. So I get to end up paying an extra $2.99 that I hadn't planned on...haha, that's ok. She could have grabbed something a lot more expensive, but she takes after her mom's sugar addictions....

#2) "Not my will, but thine"
I was babysitting a three cute kids last week. After attempting to put them to bed after 1.5 hours, I gave up and went to read a book. The book that caught my eye is called, "Not my will, but thine." I started reading it - love it! Good investment. I recommend it to all. Anyways, here's the cool part: The oldest child, Nicole, age 9, comes out of her room because she can't go to sleep and asks me what I'm reading. I show her the title and she asks me what I mean. I thought, "wow, these are the moments in which we succeed or fail. I understand now why we are told to do the little things every day, ie read scriptures, say prayers, go to church each week, and keep the commandments - so that we will be able to feel the Spirit enough in random moments like these in order to make a spiritual difference in a child's life." I started talking to Nicole about the Atonement in the simplest words possible, but still at her level of literacy/comprehension. She really seemed to understand that the decisions we make in our lives should really be based upon the Lord's help and not always trying to do it on our own.
I probably learned a bigger lesson from this incident than Nicole did: always pray to feel the Spirit so when teaching moments occur for us, we will know how to rely on the Spirit and say what the Lord wants us to say.

#3) Married in 6 days after returning from his mission....whoa
I hope that this title was catchy enough - haha. I went to a fireside last night at my ward and the temple president from the Los Angeles temple spoke. He told us when and how he got married. He met his wife toward the end of high school, she waited/paid for him on his mission, and were married within 6 days of his return. Try to beat that!!! haha - no thanks. :) unless I found that perfect guy, of course. ;-) I'm so glad that I went to that fireside last night because my eyes were riveted on him the entire time because I felt that what he was saying was 100% true. The temple is always the right place to be. And I know that my (future) marriage will be much sweeter if I attend the temple often.

#4) Missionary work, anyone?
I have been challenged to pass out one Book of Mormon each week for the rest of the year. I filled my quota for this week. :) I brought a friend to church yesterday and gave her one after the meeting. I think I can do this!! (keep reminding me if you have to)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Will you marry me?

Every fast Sunday, my ward has a "break the fast" meal right after church at 2:30. The theme was Italian, but since I didn't have any ingredients to make an Italian meal that morning, I made my "dreamy creamy caramel chocolate bars."

Upon trying my bars, one guy said to me: "Will you marry me?"

Thursday, February 4, 2010

time for pictures

I have been helping the frosh/soph basketball team at LCHS and I like to take Emma to the games. Thought a few pictures would be cute: