Friday, January 15, 2010

In-n-Out, 4 minutes to spare, Guess? jeans

What an interesting and great day it has been! I went to take my computer to get fixed. My appointment was at 10:15 and I had to fill out some paperwork to leave it there. So I was done at about 10:30 and as I was walking back to the car, I noticed that the Guess? store was having an extra 50% off the clearance. I was trying to hurry to get to the temple, but I was really tempted to walk into the store. I absolutely love sales and good deals, so I was too tempted and walked in. I was concerned about the time because I really wanted to make the 11:30 session and driving from Pasadena to Santa Monica might not get me there in time and I didn't want to wait for another hour just b/c I missed it by 5 minutes. Anyways, I went into the store, browsed quickly to make sure that I wasn't missing any amazing deals and quickly sorted through the racks of jeans. One was marked $29.95 (from $89), then 50% off. I debated really quickly in my head: was it worth it to try them on, should I just buy them, then try them on later? I ended up trying them on really quick, all the while thinking about the clock ticking away. They actually fit me pretty well, so I rushed to buy them (I mean, can you beat $14.98 on Guess? jeans, esp. at the Guess? store?) and hurried into the car. Fortunately, the car was right outside the store. The clock was 10:41. Then I debated about not going until the 12:30 session and just running into the Gap to return something. ( I know, I am the queen of returns - I have learned to save all of my receipts) However, I decided to try and make it to the temple. Something just told me that I needed to go right then. As I got on the 210, I noticed a car getting pulled over, probably for a speeding ticket. That was a warning to me to slow down and try to make it to the temple and not speed. As I crossed the 210 to the 118 to the 405 S., I remembered last time when I missed the session by 5 minutes because of traffic on the 405. So I was praying really hard that there was no traffic, and my prayers were answered. The slowest I went was 60, and fortunately hit enough green lights on Santa Monica Blvd. to turn into the temple at 11:24. I grabbed my bag, leaving my purse and everything else and ran in. I was literally breathless when I asked the man if I could make the 11:30 session. He said that I had 4 minutes to spare! I was so grateful that I made it just in the nick of time! I feel that it's such a privilege to go to the temple and I was so thankful that I was safe on the way over and coming back.
What a great way to end my afternoon with a big juicy cheeseburger and vanilla milk shake from In n Out!

I feel so blessed every day of my life. I should never take my blessings for granted and always thank Heavenly Father for what I have.

p.s. Guess (no pun intended) what pants I'm wearing right now...


  1. That's amazing Haley! I got goosebumps...really!! You are such a sweet person!! Way to go on getting to the temple...I haven't gone since I was 6 months pregnant and had to use the bathroom too many times to count!

  2. You are too funny, I'm lovin' reading your blog! Miss ya!
