Sunday, January 17, 2010

Let's go WAAAAAAAY back.....

So I went to the Poly/Prep game yesterday since my brother plays basketball for Prep. I totally thought that I would cheer for Prep (even though I went to Poly), but when I got there, my dad had saved us seats by the Poly cheerleaders - on purpose. He wanted me to remember....when I was once a cheerleader. I cannot believe that I am posting this on my blog, but since it's been 10 years now, it's kind of funny to think that I was a cheerleader! What?? ok, whatever. So it was sort of fun and we got sweaters with our names on them. :) So I actually talked to some of the cheerleaders and my old cheer coach (who, btw, still looks the same). She's on FB, so I'm going to look her up. Anyways, at first the cheerleaders were kind of annoying because they were banging their megaphones on the ground, but I used to love doing that during games. (haha) So I dug up some old pictures (I know, you can totally laugh - I did!) - to go way back, I'm talking 10 years we go:

I think this picture was at a CIF game. We won
the state championship during the years
that I cheered.

Can you find me??

Maybe at cheer camp? Notice the cute guy
(with the super short shorts)
in the background writing something down.
He must have been a coach since his uniform
was "USA."

Notice this cute guy in the picture too. No wonder
cheer camp was so fun! :)
Good times!

p.s. Guess who won the game yesterday?? Prep. :(


  1. Yeah for orange cheerleader outfits!! Cute pictures! The quality is really good on these scanned-in pics. I not sure that those short shorts look so hot on those coaches... Maybe Ems will cheer one day and you can show her mom's high school days...
