Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Staying grounded

Here are my thoughts for today: I have been thinking a lot today about how to stay grounded in the gospel. It's so easy to say that temptations are easy to withstand when there's not many around. However, when you're placed in front of temptation, that is the hard part. I feel that I have been confronted with many temptations lately. I have been trying to come up with a way to resist temptation. For me, the best way is to pray to Heavenly Father about how much I love the gospel and how much I want to keep the commandments. I truly believe that he will honor my prayers if I am trying to resist temptation as much as possible. I think of the scripture, our weaknesses can become strengths, and I really think this is possible. However, sometimes I feel like I may have gotten to the point where I have overcome my weaknesses and Satan can never tempt me anymore. NOT TRUE! This is when he works double time on me. I think that I've got it made and can withstand anything, so he works super hard to undo it all. Satan - please stop working overtime on me and move on to someone else! What's so special about me? Choose someone else, please. Would be greatly appreciated!!

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