Saturday, April 24, 2010

2 years old!

Emma is 2 years old now - actually she turned 2 three months ago today.  haha.  So I'm a little bit late on this posting.  I had wanted to get her 2 year old photos taken, but had not done it until now.  (I must admit that there were a few reasons that I was waiting, one being that I wanted her to cooperate at the studio and I knew that even though she may be a few months older, that would make a big difference).  The last time we took her and Grant (see at Halloween, Emma would not cooperate and wanted to run over to me and have her hold her.  She still wants me to hold her constantly (which is pretty much what I do a lot of the time), but she is using more words and phrases, so she and I can communicate better.  I'm glad that I waited a few months to get her 2 year old photos taken because it was so fun and she had so much fun!  She loved climbing in and out of the box.  Although, she would not lay on her tummy for one, so I got down on mine, hoping that she would get on hers too, but instead she proceeded to sit on me, hence the photo below of her on me.  :)


  1. Cute pictures! We love them. Ems is such a big girl!!

  2. These are so cute! I LOVE the closeup of you holding Emma, you both look great!
