Tuesday, April 6, 2010


What an interesting, event-filled Tuesday!  (Too bad the Dodgers lost yesterday and the Lakers lost Sunday....come on, at least 1 of the 2 should be winning the same week).  Anyways, I went to get my teeth whitened today and the electricity was out at the office, so I didn't end up getting that done.  I ended up doing some errands with my dad and we ate at a little Mexican restaurant down in San Gabriel.  He's friends with everyone there and they know him, so it was fun to meet some new people and learn a little Spanish.  It's fun to hear my dad speak Spanish too.  :)  When I got home, Emma woke up from her nap, so we took a little trip to Target and Michaels.  Target was uneventful (which is a good thing when you take a toddler anywhere), but Michaels proved to be a slight disaster - not terribly, but slight.  Emma (meaning I) wanted to paint her block letters (of her name) pink, so we picked up some pink paint.  As we were standing in the world's longest line (why does that store have the longest lines - it doesn't matter what state you're in), Emma saw the candy shelf and decided to go grab some.  I told her to please look and not touch; we were getting her a plastic $2 whale, so I thought that would keep her occupied, but obviously the candy looked more enticing.  So she brings over a big bag of Hershey kisses and as she started to open the top, I try to gently take it away from her and she did sort of give it to me, but the bag was already open and the kisses went flying everywhere.  So of course, the most expensive thing that I bought today was an unwanted, opened bag of pink Hershey's kisses with each tag reading, "It's a Girl." Yeah, I know.  Out of all the candy "we" could have picked, it had to be the candy appropriate for a baby girl's shower.  That one is just a couple years too late.  Haha
See pictures below and enjoy:


  1. That's hilarious! At least it was chocolate and not something disgusting and inedible, like those little gummy candies shaped like hamburgers and hotdogs :). She's so cute (and old)!

  2. I love reading your blog. I like to call the lines at Michaels "Eternity". Emma has grown so much since I saw her last summer and is only getting cuter and cuter so watch out mom! I love the letters for her room!

  3. That's hillarious! I totally agree about the lines at Michaels, they are rediculous!

  4. Michael's lines are sooooooo long! I love her pink "EMMA"
