Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mr. Darcy & Partygirl

I'm trying to think of some really good excuses as to why I haven't posted for a week....ummm...March Madness - wait, that hasn't happened for a week; how about the Lakers - hard week for them, but pulled in a good win against the Jazz last night; how about Emma taking all my time - at least this one does sound legitimate, right?  haha.

I found two fun surprises when I walked into the door this morning:  the most adorable pugs!  Ever!  We get to keep Mr. Darcy and Partygirl for a week or two (tragic story as to why they are staying with us: their owners, Rachel and Tyler, found their 18 month old daughter at the bottom of the pool 2 weeks ago; Sophie is still in intensive care, breathing with minimal support and may require a trachea/esophagus surgery; the brain damage is still unknown).  

Emma and I already love these cute guys as if they were ours.  I have always wanted a pug anyways.  

1 comment:

  1. They are such cute dogs! Even I can say that (not being a dog-lover!)
